Wishing all who adore, love & worship Jesus Christ, a holy and spiritually uplifting Christmas Eve

One of my favourite Christmas songs, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. Here is Jewel singing it Live, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PURr2u0HKGE, 3 min. 20 secs.

Some of the uplifting lines in it:

With angelic host proclaim
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn king"

Hail the heaven born prince of peace
Hail the son of righteousness
Light and life to all he brings
Risen with healing in his wings

Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn king"

Here are the full lyrics: https://play.google.com/music/preview/T7y6252dslnn44xa3wyvtkyrzx4?lyrics=1

Ravi: I wish all who adore, love and worship Jesus Christ (that includes me, for sure) a very holy and spiritually uplifting Christmas Eve.

An Indian correspondent who was born & raised in an (Indian) Syrian Catholic family wrote in response (and was OK with public sharing):
A very happy holiday season and New Year to you!

2016 brought some surprises, many of them unwanted. I hope 2017 will show that, given time, things will settle down and bring peace, good health and happiness to the world.
I responded (slightly edited):
Amen. Thanks.

Terry Reis Kennedy wrote (slightly edited and was OK with public sharing):
Thanks, Ravi!  Just  beautiful. *****

A USA based correspondent wrote (and was OK with public sharing):
Much appreciated. I love Christmas, including the old songs and music, though I have no interest in the spiritual bits. I was listening to Handel's Messiah yesterday - great music and stirring choruses.
I wrote back:
Wonderful! I am glad you liked it.
He added:
This is not a rare position, it is also the stated opinion of Richard Dawkins :-). [Ravi: Please note that Richard Dawkins is perhaps the leading rationalist and atheist writer/speaker in the world.]

A Sai university alumnus and former science research-scholar (he later got a Ph.D.) and teacher, and now school teacher-and-administrator wrote (and was OK with public sharing):
Thank you so much sir for the Christmas lovely  wishes. V. V . V. Happy for receiving your special blessings on this Christmas Eve...
I wrote back (slightly edited):
BTW I don't give blessings as I actually am in the state of needing blessings rather than giving them :-). But I do give my best wishes.



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